Baroness Burt leads Midlands Engine APPG discussion on skills
How do we get Midlanders back into skilled employment post-pandemic?

On Tuesday 20 April, Baroness Burt of Solihull chaired a meeting of the Midlands Engine APPG specifically focused on the skills agenda and skills provision in the region.
The meeting was well attended and addressed by two guest speakers, Shane Chowen of the Association of Colleges and Scott Grindey of the Midlands Engine Observatory.
Shane provided key intelligence on the challenges facing skills providers in the Midlands at present, and Scott updated the group on the latest data and analysis from the Midlands Engine Observatory.
A lively discussion ensued, aiming to answer the above question, and seeking to agree on useful methods for parliamentarians to raise these issues in debates and directly with Government.
The minutes of this meeting, as well as a short information page from the Midlands Engine Observatory about skills provision in the region, are attached.